The Tale Of The R​ü​etschi Foundry
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TitelThe Tale Of The R​ü​etschi Foundry

Easily one of the best field recording releases in the last years!

All sounds by ILIOS. Based on field recordings made at the Rüetschi bell foundry, Aarau, Switzerland, April 2013.
Additional sounds recorded in Manila, Philippines, August 2023 and Delphi, Greece November 2023. Voice on A2, B3: Marianne Kjærsund Engineered and produced in Greece, 2013 - 2023.

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Ambient - Abstrakt - Artrock - Avant Rock - Avantgarde - Black Metal - Contemporary - Dark Ambient - Darkwave - Drone - EBM
Electroacoustic - Electro - Electronic - Experimental - Field Recording - Folk - Glitch - Hardcore - Industrial - Improv - Indie-Rock
Industrial - Krautrock - Lo-Fi - Minimal - Musique Concrète - New Wave - No Wave - Noise - Post-Punk - Post-Rock
Progressive Rock - Punk - Rhythm'n'Noise - Sound Art - Sound Poetry - Soundtrack - Spoken Word - Synth-Pop